Year 5 - 5SBA

Year 5 - 5SBA
Mrs S Brasier-Ayres - Teacher
Mrs D McGuire - Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Skeates - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Charlotte Hemmings - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to 5SBA where we like to have lots of fun with our learning. Education is the key to so many wonderful adventures in life and we like every child to learn with a smile on their face. We aim for all children in our class to feel happy and valued in school every day.

Our topics this year are:

  • Term 1 - Black History
  • Term 2 - To Infinity and Beyond (Space)
  • Term 3 - The Romans
  • Term 4 - Groovy Greeks
  • Term 5 - Brilliant Britain 
  • Term 6 - Fallen Fields

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Homework is set every Friday in the children's CGP SATs preparation books. It is due in again each Tuesday. All children should be reading daily at home- children are provided with a coloured banded book for this. Spellings are posted on Dojo weekly for children to learn at home too ready for their spelling test each Friday.

Important information:

Please make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle and a healthy snack each day. In the Winter months, a coat and hat are advisable too.

Our PE days (we now have PE twice a week) will be on a Monday (outside) and a Tuesday (inside). Please make sure children have full school PE kit (black shorts/joggers and a white top) and a black jumper and suitable trainers.

If you ever have any questions, please come and have a chat with me or message me on Class Dojo.

Mrs Brasier-Ayres